Mindfulness Breath Exercise

Guest Author

January 18, 2021

Mindfulness Breath Awareness Exercise ⁠

If you are feeling stressed and anxious about your pregnancy, here is a Mindful Breath Awareness exercise that you can try. This Mindful Breath Awareness exercise re-wires the brain and changes the shape of it. Mindfulness increases your capacity to concentrate and manage strong emotions, so that you can respond to stressful situations with more flexibility when you’re overwhelmed. It helps you to recover more effectively and sustainably from stress. ⁠

1. Find a comfortable upright posture, one in which you are both alert and at ease. ⁠

2. Try to bring an attitude of open, investigative curiosity to this practice. ⁠

3. Gently close your eyes if that’s comfortable or take a soft un-focused gaze.⁠

4. Turn your attention to your body, your posture, the points of contact between your body and the surfaces that are supporting your body.⁠

5. Now bring your attention to the breath, wherever it’s the most vivid and accessible to you. Usually at the belly, chest or nostrils – choose one of these points of focus. ⁠

6. Notice the movements and sensations with each inhalation and exhalation as it is. There is no need to change or manipulate the breath. Simply notice it as it is. ⁠

7. When you notice your attention being pulled away by thoughts, simply notice this movement of attention and notice thoughts as thoughts. Then kindly escort your attention back to your breathing.⁠

8. For a few more minutes (or for however long is available to you), continue focusing on the direct sensations of your breathing and gently escorting your attention back to your breathing whenever you notice it has been pulled elsewhere (and it’s completely normal and expected that distraction will happen – this is the practice!) ⁠

Guest Post from Alda Ngo @mindfulnessforfertility⁠

Inclusion of all gender and sexually diverse people is an important value of Olive Fertility Centre. We are continuously striving to create an environment of compassionate belonging where all of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community are supported, valued and respected.

Olive Fertility Centre resides on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Tsleil-waututh Nations (Vancouver and Surrey clinics), of the Lekwungen people (Victoria clinic), of the syilx/Okanagan people (Kelowna clinic) and of the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation (Blossom Fertility clinic in Prince George).

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