Mindfulness Gratitude

Guest Author

October 11, 2021

In a recent article by Dr. Richard J. Davidson, a neuroscientist and director of the Center for Healthy Minds, he notes that the psychological impact of “the pandemic has affirmed that it’s more important than ever to care for our own well-being.”


How can we build resiliency despite our current circumstances and the challenges we might be facing?

How can we strengthen our ability to cope with the ups and downs of life…including being on a fertility journey?  


One of the ways we can counterbalance the intensity of our lives is by intentionally cultivating gratitude.


Research has linked gratitude with a wide range of benefits, including strengthening the immune system and improving sleep patterns, feeling optimistic and experiencing more joy and pleasure, being more helpful and generous, and feeling less lonely and isolated. 


Building our capacity for gratitude doesn’t eliminate the challenges but it does help us see the aspects that are ok more clearly and with more appreciation. It helps us notice the little wins—like the bus showing up right on time or the generosity of a stranger holding open the door. Each of these small moments strings together to create a web of well-being that, over time, strengthens our ability to notice the good.


Guest post from Stephanie Curran @mindfulnessforfertility